Mr.Hariprasad Bhat Herga, Associate Professor, Dept of Sanskrit Siddhanta and Samhita selected as Representative of Agama Shastra(Science of Traditional Practicies) of Udupi District Dharmika Parishat .
Dr. Shripathi Acharya, Prof and Head, Dept of Kayachikitsa was presented with Dhanwantari Award 2020 for excellence in Ayurvedic Practice by Association of Ayutrvedic Professionals of North America, Inc(AAPNA), USA.
Ms.Meghana shankar Shettigar, First UG student won second prize in Varnaranjani July 2020-A National Level Pre Conference Online Painting Competition For Students on the theme Auto immune Disorders and Ayurveda organised by Sushrutha Ayurvedic Medical College and Hospital in Collaboration with S-VYASA Deemed to be University.
MUNIYAL INSTITUTE OF AYURVEDA MEDICAL SCIENCES, MANIPAL is hosting a series of Webinars with eminent resource persons in the field of Ayurveda and allied health sciences.On 25.09.2020 Guest Speaker Dr.Suresh Negalaguli, Professor and Head, Dept. of Rachana Sharira,MIAMS,Manipal gave talk on “ Hemorrhage and its Management ”.