Ojo Kalpa – For Rejuvenation:
This is for the rejuvenation of the body and mind. During repeated cell division waste material gets accumulated which is known as Ama. It is essential to eliminate this in order to cleanse and condition the body which is a part of this Kalpa.
This package includes various therapeutic modalities like,
1.Panchakarma for body purification,
2.Muni Yoga, which includes Aana Paana Sati (breathing meditation) for mind purification and spiritual health;
3.Pranayama for general health,
4.Pyramid therapy for rejuvenation of body cells,
5.Dinacharya and Rutucharya advice is given to lead a healthy and quality life.
All these measures are helpful. Rasayanas are applied to make the individual to lead a healthy long life.