Muniyal Students Shine in the National Level Essay Competition at Maharastra LandThe students of Muniyal Institute of Ayurveda Medical Sciences, Manipal participated actively, at the prestigious National Level Essay Competition conducted by Mahatma Gandhi Ayurveda Medical College, Hospital and Research Centre Salod(H), Wardha Maharashtra. There were about 44 entries from Muniyal Ayurveda College including both under graduate and post graduates. Miss Ayesha Tahneen, Tahseen K and Srividya of 2nd BAMS guided by Dr. Rajneesh V Giri, Professor and Head, Dept. of Shalya Tantra on the topic of “Dehadan” (Body Donation) and its importance has secured 1st prize and award and Miss Prakruti shetty, Supriya N Kumbhar and Suhaila S of 2nd BAMS, guided by Dr. Sibgath Ulla Shariff R, Asst. Professor, Dept of Rachana Sharira on the topic of “Role of Rujakara Marma in today’s era” has received second prize and award. The students were invited and felicitated by MGAMCH & Hospital Wardha.
18DrMrudul Mohan, Veeraj Hegde and 16 others3 SharesLikeCommentShare